Motorized Treadmills
The 4Front Series
All of TreadGo's 4Front Series treadmills are constructed with the same design principles and are well known for their exceptional quality and longevity. These treadmills provide a smooth and pleasant running experience on a slat-belt running surface and are made for a variety of commercial, performance, medical wellness, and residential applications. This surface is intended to lessen lower posterior chain stress while simulating the sensation of jogging outside. For the Long Run, TreadGo's 4Front Series treadmills provide a range of models to suit all fitness levels, training requirements, and business objectives.
The Boost Series
Traditional commercial/performance fitness-focused treadmills and medical device treadmills are separated by the Boost series. The Boost 2 can off-weight up to 80% of the user's effective body weight while in use, which is very advantageous for injury prevention, performance training, and return to play. The Boost microgravity treadmill eliminates obstacles to good, wellness outcomes, regardless of whether your company serves patients, athletes, or gym patrons.
Series of Medical
Medical treadmills and other items from TreadGo are made for a range of medical and scientific uses. We think that our products provide distinctive solutions, meet strict specifications, and provide unmatched quality and service in settings that most need it, whether it be enhancing patient outcomes or advancing the study of future solutions.
Specialty Series
The Blade and ELG are made to withstand the most rigorous training and exercise conditions. The athletes that utilize these training aids don't offer justifications for failing to meet their objectives. Because our clients and end users require it, these two treadmills are constructed with the same philosophy.